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Nuts, cashew Nuts, oil roasted, with salt added
Nuts, cashew Nuts, oil roasted, without salt added
Nuts, cashew Nuts, raw
Nuts, coconut meat, dried (desiccated), Creamed
Nuts, coconut meat, dried (desiccated), not sweetened
Nuts, coconut meat, dried (desiccated), sweetened, flaked, canned
Nuts, coconut meat, dried (desiccated), sweetened, flaked, packaged
Nuts, coconut meat, dried (desiccated), sweetened, shredded
Nuts, coconut meat, dried (desiccated), Toasted
Nuts, formulated, Wheat-based, all flavors except macadamia, without salt
Nuts, formulated, Wheat-based, unflavored, with salt added
Nuts, Hazelnuts or filberts
Nuts, Hazelnuts or filberts, blanched
Nuts, Hazelnuts or filberts, dry roasted, without salt added
Nuts, hickory Nuts, dried
Nuts, macadamia Nuts, dry roasted, with salt added
Nuts, macadamia Nuts, dry roasted, without salt added
Nuts, macadamia Nuts, raw
Nuts, mixed Nuts, dry roasted, with Peanuts, with salt added
Nuts, mixed Nuts, dry roasted, with Peanuts, without salt added
Nuts, mixed Nuts, oil roasted, with Peanuts, lightly salted
Nuts, mixed Nuts, oil roasted, with Peanuts, with salt added
Nuts, mixed Nuts, oil roasted, with Peanuts, without salt added
Nuts, mixed Nuts, oil roasted, without Peanuts, lightly salted
Nuts, mixed Nuts, oil roasted, without Peanuts, with salt added
Nuts, mixed Nuts, oil roasted, without Peanuts, without salt added
Nuts, pecans
Nuts, pecans, dry roasted, with salt added
Nuts, pecans, dry roasted, without salt added
Nuts, pecans, oil roasted, with salt added
Nuts, pecans, oil roasted, without salt added
Nuts, pilinuts, dried
Nuts, pine Nuts, dried
Nuts, pine Nuts, pinyon, dried
Nuts, pistachio Nuts, dry roasted, with salt added
Nuts, pistachio Nuts, dry roasted, without salt added
Nuts, pistachio Nuts, raw
Nuts, Walnuts, black, dried
Nuts, Walnuts, english
Nuts, Walnuts, glazed
Oat flour, partially debranned
Oatmeal Cereal with dry fruit (toddler)
Oil, Almond
Oil, apricot kernel
Oil, avocado
Oil, babassu
Oil, Bearded seal (Oogruk) (Alaska Native)
Oil, beluga, whale (Alaska Native)
Oil, canola
Oil, Cocoa Butter
Oil, coconut
Oil, cooking and salad, Enova, 80% diglycerides
Oil, Corn and canola
Oil, Corn, industrial and retail, all purpose salad or cooking
Oil, Corn, Peanut, and olive
Oil, cottonseed, salad or cooking
Oil, cupu assu
Oil, flaxseed, cold pressed
Oil, flaxseed, contains added sliced flaxseed
Oil, grapeseed
Oil, Hazelnut
Oil, industrial, canola (partially hydrogenated) oil for deep Fat frying
Oil, industrial, canola for salads, woks and light frying
Oil, industrial, canola with antifoaming agent, principal uses salads, woks and light frying
Oil, industrial, canola, high oleic
Oil, industrial, coconut (hydrogenated), used for whipped toppings and coffee Whiteners
Oil, industrial, coconut, confection Fat, typical basis for ice Cream Coatings
Oil, industrial, coconut, principal uses Candy Coatings, oil Sprays, roasting Nuts
Oil, industrial, cottonseed, fully hydrogenated
Oil, industrial, mid-oleic, Sunflower
Oil, industrial, palm and palm kernel, filling Fat (non-hydrogenated)
Oil, industrial, palm kernel (hydrogenated) , used for whipped toppings, non-dairy
Oil, industrial, palm kernel (hydrogenated), confection Fat, intermediate grade Product
Oil, industrial, palm kernel (hydrogenated), confection Fat, uses similar to 95 degree hard Butter
Oil, industrial, palm kernel (hydrogenated), filling Fat
Oil, industrial, palm kernel, confection Fat, uses similar to high quality Cocoa Butter
Oil, industrial, soy ( partially hydrogenated), all purpose
Oil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated ) and soy (winterized), pourable clear fry
Oil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated ), palm, principal uses icings and fillings
Oil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated) and cottonseed, principal use as a tortilla shortening
Oil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated), multiuse for non-dairy Butter flavor
Oil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated), principal uses popcorn and flavoring vegetables
Oil, industrial, Soy, fully hydrogenated
Oil, industrial, Soy, Low linolenic
Oil, industrial, Soy, refined, for woks and light frying
Oil, industrial, Soy, ultra Low linolenic
Oil, mustard
Oil, Nutmeg Butter
Oil, Oat
Oil, olive, salad or cooking
Oil, palm
Oil, Pam cooking Spray, Original
Oil, Peanut, salad or cooking
Oil, poppyseed
Oil, Rice Bran
Oil, safflower, salad or cooking, high oleic (primary safflower oil of commerce)
Oil, safflower, salad or cooking, linoleic, (over 70%)
Oil, sesame, salad or cooking
Oil, sheaNut
Oil, soybean lecithin